
Here at Pick-a-Lily Florist we don't just offer fresh flowers, we also have a large selection of gifts, gift boxes, candles, cards and hand made china. We don't just provide flowers for weddings, but also venue styling too with our extensive collection of hire items. Along side our corporate clients to whom we deliver workshops, our new subscription service is proving popular across Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire as well as Nationwide. You can also visit us at our beautiful shop in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire.

Summer Time

Seriously, though, were is the sunshine ? We have so many beautiful brides waiting to get married... smile down on them sun gods. Celebrate this wonderful season with a fabulous selection of beautiful gifts and flowers.

From $12.5
Home & Gifts
From $7.99
From $7.99
From $11.50

Wedding Day Floristry

We offer all Wedding Day floristry services, as well as, an extensive range of wedding hire items to dress your venue.

Sympathy and Funeral

For all other occasions.

Join The Colorful Bunch!

    Opening Times

    Our shop is open Monday through to Saturday from 9am – 5:30pm.


    We offer local and nationwide delivery. Find out the different options here.